Pakistan Low Literacy Reasons

Reasons behind Low Literacy Rate in Pakistan are as under:
1.Low Education Budget
The main reason of low literacy rate in Pakistan is that Government does not put education at the first priority.The annually fixed budget for the promotion of education is very low.A new government focuses on other  development projects like roads,bridges, etc but does not give much importance to education sector.New schools ,colleges and universities are not opened and if opened they are not functioning properly.

2.Ghost Schools
An other reason of low literacy rate in Pakistan is that there are thousands of ghost schools in Pakistan.Such type of schools only exist in the paper work.They have now real existence.There are many schools in the remote areas with proper buildings but those buildings are not being used for educations purposes.They are taken up and occupied by the land lords and 'Vadeeras' where they use them to keep there buffaloes ans cows.

3.In Tribal Areas
The government interference in tribal areas is equal to none.The government does not work properly for the education of these areas.Most of  all if there are any schools ,the people of those areas do not get their children admission in to those schools.They prefer to get their children admitted in the religious Madressaha.

4.High Birth Rate in Pakistan
The birth rate in Pakistan is very high.An average family has 4 to 5 children.So for an average family it becomes very difficult to provide even basic education to their all children.On the other hand government cannot manage schools and colleges to cope with the education problem of each and every student.

As a whole Pakistan is a poor country. This poverty ratio is increasing very rapidly due to  corruption in government offices and the greedy behaviour of the politicians. Many people in Pakistan are passing their life under the poverty line.In this situation it becomes very difficult for the common man to win their daily bread.So education for them becomes a day dream.

6.Two Types of Schools
In Pakistan,there is two types of schools: schools run by Government and Private schools.The standard of education in Government schools is very low.There is no proper staff and latest teaching methodology.In private Schools the fee structure is very high.A common man does not afford to get his/her child admission in these schools.Most of all these aristocrat students after getting education settle abroad affecting the literacy rate in Pakistan

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