Literacy and Islamic Viewpoint

                        Literacy and Islamic Viewpoint
Islam is a religion of nature and it projects the true needs  not only for the Muslims but all of the human beings. Islam focuses a lot on the promotion of Literacy and education.

The very first revelation on Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) reveals the importance of education for the Muslims. The very first word of the Revelation is  "اقرا" which means ‘Read’. So reading is the first step of learning and learning opens the new horizons of life and success.

In ‘Madina tul Nabi’ the city of prophet hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), first Islamic University ‘Ashab-e-Suffah’ was established by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).In this university religious and worldly education was given to the people of Arabs.

Many sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) reflects the importance of literacy and education among individuals, communities, nations and countries. He (peace be upon him) said,’ Seek knowledge, even if you have to travel to China’. At another place he (peace be upon him) said ‘To get knowledge is obligatory for each and every Muslims’.

The Holy book ‘Qur’an’ lays stress on literacy and education. There are hundreds of verses in which God Almighty lays stress on seeking Knowledge.

When Hazrat Adam (A.S) was created, God Almighty taught him the names of all the things.

Pakistan is an Islamic State but still literacy rate is not good in this country.We should follow the teachings of Islam to increase literacy rate in Pakistan.
       The Following Map shows the facts of literacy in Pakistan
Islamic point of view on literacy

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