World Top 10 Countries where Literacy Rate is very low

         Top 10 World Countries Having Low Literacy Rate

top ten lowest literate countries of the world

1. Burkina Faso
In 2015, the adult literacy rate of Burkina Faso was 37.7 percent. From 1996 to 2015, the literacy rate of adults increased from 12.8 percent to 37.7 % respectively. Youth literacy rate is 52.5 % and youth female literacy rate is 55.2 Percent.

2. South Sudan
This country lies in East Africa. Basically it is under develop and a poor country. It became an independent state in 2011.Its literacy rate is 27 percent. Male literacy rate is 46 percent and female literacy ratio is 16 % as per 2009 stats.

3. Afghanistan
In the west of Pakistan lies Afghanistan. The literacy rate of this country is very poor. According UNESCO official stats, the current literacy rate of Afghanistan is 31 percent. Literacy among female is 17 % while male literacy average is about 45 percent with high variation.

4. Niger
It is a land locked western African country where Muslims population is about 98.5 percent. The current population of this country is 22,807,472. Adult male literacy rate is 42.9 percent whereas adult female literacy rate average is 15.1 percent. Overall literacy ratio is 28.7 percent.

5. Mali
It is a neighbor country of Niger in the West. The overall literacy rate is about 33.4 percent. Male literacy ratio is 43 percent while literacy rate among adult women is 24.6 percent.

6. Chad
Chad is a West African country. Here the literacy rate is very low. In this country overall literacy rate is about 34.5 percent,

7. Somalia
This country has been the victim of civil war and famines for a long time. This affected its literacy rate badly. Its overall literacy rate is 37.8 percent. About 50 percent of its male population is literate. Female literacy rate is 25.9 % only.

8. Ethiopia
As compared to other African countries the literacy rate percentage of Ethiopia is very low. Male literacy rate is 49.1 % while female literacy rate is 28.9 percent.

9. Guinea
Overall literacy rate is 41 percent. Literacy male ratio is 52 % and of female is 30 percent.

10. Benin
Here the overall literacy rate is 42.4 percent.

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