How to improve the performance of Government Education Institutions?

How to improve the performance of Government Education Institutions?

The question arises that why the Government  schools are not performing wee in Pakistan?

It is not a difficult question to be answered.If we see the results of all boards and university,we will come to know that maximum the position holders are from Private Schools and colleges.The contribution of the government schools is equal to none.

If we compare the Governments and the private Schools and the colleges,we feel a prominent difference between the both.In the private schools and colleges ,there is a strong check and balance but in the government,there is no proper check and balance.In the private schools and colleges every person whether he or she is a teacher,a clerk or a student ,they know their liabilities and responsibilities and they try their best to fulfill those responsibilities. An equal accountability is seen in the private educational institutions. But in the governments educational institution,there is a sorry state.There is no one responsible for the bad performance.Mostly the people seek government jobs only for material pursuits.They are not dedicated to their duties.

Can with this situation we compete the world?
No,not at all.Our education system is very faulty.Our educational system mostly is based on the conservative and old etching methodology.Our examination system is the system which is only promoting the 'Rattta/cramming system'. We have only introduced the grading system.This system has converted the students into number gaining horse. Definitely,when this student goes out of country for higher studies, he feels many problems.
For this we should try to improve quality education.Our libraries must be equipped with the latest books.E-Libraries should be inducted at school and college level.The role of teacher cannot be denied in this regard.Appoint the able and efficient teacher.There should be proper teacher training workshops on monthly level.If we give some attention to these focuses,we can grow our private as well as government school sectors.

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