India Space Mission Chandryan 2

"India Space Mission Chandryan 2 "India Mission to Moon Failed"India Mission to Moon Failed"

India's space mission Chandrayan 2 has failed. This is very bad news for the scientific world. The story begins 12 years ago when India launched "Chandrayan-1" in October 2008, which revolved around the moon, examining the minerals on the moon. Later, with the help of this data, NASA experts discovered water, ice, and water in the basins on the moon's poles. The finding of water on the moon was a great discovery, which caused a stir in the astronomical world.
After getting water on the moon, man's dream of colonizing the moon started to become reality. The same discovery introduced India's Chandrayan mission from all over the world. On July 22, 2019, India launched the second mission of the Chandryan series, named "Chandrayan 2". The mission, sent at a cost of $ 140 million, was to land on September 7, 2019, at the southern pole of the Moon, where evidence of water availability has been found.
Sadly, India's Chandrayan 2 space mission failed, if the Indian mission landed on the moon, India would become the fourth country to land on the moon after the US, Russia and China . The aforementioned mission landed near the south pole of the moon. Thus, it would become the first country to land on the south pole of the moon, because the south pole of the moon is not towards the ground, which is very difficult to land there and to this day no country has been able to land at this location ... a few months. In the past, Israel has also tried unsuccessfully to land on the moon. According to preliminary information, the speed of Chandran 2 could not be controlled in the last ten seconds of landing and it was cut off contact with the earth at a height of just 300 meters from the moon, causing it to hit the moon at a speed of 172 km / h.
The mission "Chandran 2" space rocket consists of three parts: one part called the Lunar Orbitor which will rotate around the Moon; the other part is the Lunar Lander through which the Moon. Land was to be landed; while the third part was a Lunar Rover, a moon car that was supposed to collect dust samples from various locations at the moon's surface, was expected to receive important information on the presence of water.
 From a cosmological point of view, it is known that since the moon is very close to the Earth, due to the intense gravity of the earth, it is tidally locked with the Earth; Lives on For this reason, the side of the moon's side of the earth is called the "light side" while the other side is also called the dark side, its mission was to land on the dark side of the moon.
Prior to this, China is the only country that has landed on the dark side of the moon. As we have read above, the dark side of the moon is not oriented towards the Earth, which will not send a signal to the Earth directly to the spacecraft. For this reason, Lunar Rover tried to send data to the Indian satellite, or Lunar Arbiter, orbiting the moon, which was to broadcast this data to Earth later.
In the future, when humans make colonies on the moon, it is estimated that they will encamp on the part of the moon where Chandrayan 2 was to land for investigation. The question that arises here is that 50 years ago when humans stepped on the moon, Apollo missions reached the moon in just two to three days. So why did the Indian mission take a month and a half to reach the moon? The simple answer is "saving." Apollo missions were human missions for which a Saturn-V rocket was used, which was fast but consumed a lot of fuel, while on the Indian side. The mission, launched from Earth, tried to reach the moon using the least amount of fuel, accelerating the Earth's gravity.
Remember that earlier in 2014, the Indian Space Agency's "Indian Space Research Organization" (ISRO) sent a mission called "Mangalyan" to Mars at a very low cost that still revolves around Mars. NASA's mission to Mars launched at Mars costs US $ 671 million, while India launched the same mission at US $ 74 million, so India is embracing this "saving policy" toward the moon.  
It is also important to note that in 2022, India also plans to leave its space station, "Gagan Yan" in orbit, which will rotate around the earth for a week. It will board three Indian astronauts, carrying out several scientific experiments. In addition, India plans to send an inhuman mission to the sun in 2020, and to the planet Venus in 2023. 

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